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The Good Life
with Amy French
Find simple and practical ways to reduce waste and live a more sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle.
Delve into topics like zero waste, green cleaning and DIY Beauty Products, check out some
Eco-friendly crafts and projects or browse the most recent posts below
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25 Zero Waste Swaps that WILL Save You Money
Going zero waste CAN save you money and here is list of budget friendly Zero Waste Swaps that are a cheaper option in the long and short ter
Amy French
10 min read

4 Waste Free Leave-In Hair Conditioners
Have frizzy, curly or dry hair, and need a zero waste alternative to leave-in conditioners? Here are 4 amazing plastic-free options you need
Amy French
3 min read

How To Plan a Plastic Free Picnic
The trouble with picnics is that they often come with a lot of pre-packaged food, or food you have prepared wrapped up in cling wrap, which
Felicity Frankish
3 min read

14 Alternatives to Single-Use Produce Bags (that are free and zero waste)
Single-use plastic produce bags are a great example of ridiculous and completely unnecessary plastic.
You can purchase reusable produce ba
Amy French
5 min read

Plastic Free July Kits
Here are 19 Plastic Free July Starter kits and Bundles that will help you save money AND begin or refine your efforts for a plastic free, ze
Amy French
10 min read

Eco Patch Beeswax Wraps Review and How To Use Them
Beeswax wraps are a brilliant eco-friendly and sustainable alternative to plastic and silicone and completely biodegradable. If you haven
Amy French
7 min read

Adelaide's Plastic Free and Zero Waste Shops
Here is a Mega List of Adelaide's plastic free and zero waste shops where you can find bulk foods, fresh produce, bread, package free pe
Amy French
19 min read

Eco Friendly Party Bag Alternatives (for a Zero Waste or Plastic Free Party)
Planning an Eco Friendly kids birthday party?
Going green and hosting a plastic free or zero waste children's party can be challenging,
Amy French
8 min read

Make Natural Ice-cream Flavoured Playdough
Make your own yummy scented playdough in three gorgeous ice-cream flavours, without any artificial colours or flavours. Use cocoa powder, va
Amy French
3 min read

Plastic Free Bubble Baths
Looking for plastic free bubble bath? Here is a plastic free and zero waste option for bubble baths for kids and adults. Lush bubble bars c
Amy French
3 min read

9 Easy Ways To Reduce Plastic Use
The global effects of the overuse of plastic is on everyone’s mind. If we want our grandchildren to grow up with same beautiful planet we cu
Liv (The Cheeky Mommy)
6 min read

50 Easy Ideas for Plastic Free July
What is Plastic Free July and how do you get started? Plastic free July is a fabulous way to reduce single use plastic and anyone can do it.
Amy French
10 min read

Zero Waste Headache and Migraine Relief
Here are some ecofriendly, plastic-free and zero waste ways to relieve headaches without heading for the chemist or medicine cabinet. Many m
Amy French
8 min read

Freezing Cake Plastic Free
Freezing cakes, slices and baked goods without single-use plastic like ziplock bags or cling wrap is so simple!
Whether you're attempti
Amy French
4 min read

DIY Coffee Filter Hack
Make your own zero waste coffee filter. Yes, you can make a great coffee without coffee pods, plungers or coffee machines. This was a littl
Amy French
3 min read

Banana Buckwheat Pancakes (Zero Waste , Grain-free)
Forget buying pancake mix in plastic containers or bags. This zero waste pancake recipe is healthy, delicious AND simple to make. Cooking pl
Amy French
3 min read

Zero Waste Banana Bread Recipe
This is a simple banana bread recipe that can be made at home zero waste, and is a great alternative to buying pre-made cakes that come with
Amy French
5 min read
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