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The Good Life
with Amy French
Find simple and practical ways to reduce waste and live a more sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle.
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Are You Wish-Cycling? (or Recycling?)
Do you put items into recycling bins in the hopes it can actually be recycled?
Or maybe just items you're a little unsure of, but decid
Amy French
5 min read

How To Recycle CDs and DVDs
Don't throw your old CDs and DVDs into landfill. They can be recycled into useful products, so think of them as a resource, not as trash
Amy French
3 min read

Wrapping Up The War On Waste Challenge
As we wrap up the War on Waste Challenge, this is a great time to think about how far you have come in reducing your rubbish, recycling bett
Amy French
3 min read

Zero Waste Takeaway Food
Zero waste takeaway food may not always be possible, but there are plenty of ways to do takeout with less waste. Here are some great tips on
Amy French
7 min read

Waste Free Drinks On The Go
Getting takeaway drinks on the go can derail your efforts to be ecofriendly and leave you with a pile of trash. Whether it's coffee, smo
Amy French
8 min read

How To Recycle Better, No Matter Where You Live
Knowing what you can recycle and how is going to make a big difference to your landfill and trash. Some materials are commonly accepted by k
Amy French
8 min read

How To Recycle Coffee Cups in Australia
Think you can't recycle coffee cups? Then think again, Coffee Cup recycling stations are popping up around Australia so if you find your
Amy French
3 min read

How To Recycle and Donate Old Shoes
Here are the best options for recycling shoes or donating shoes to keep them out of landfill. You'll find plenty of options for recyclin
Amy French
8 min read

How Clean Does My Recycling Need To Be?
Do you need to wash or rinse recyclables? How clean does it need to be? Are you wasting your time?
These are really common questions peop
Amy French
3 min read

How to Recycle Medicine Blister Packs
Medicine packaging is notoriously difficult to recycle. Here's how you can recycle blister packs for less landfill rubbish in your zero
Amy French
2 min read

9 Things You Are Recycling WRONG
Are you making these common recycling mistakes? Here are 9 things that are often recycled wrongly, adding costs to processing and contaminat
Amy French
3 min read

How Recyclable is UberEats packaging? Beware!
Check your UberEats packaging before recycling or composting in Australia!! Some eco-packaging can only go in landfill which is...
Amy French
4 min read

12 Brilliant Ways To Print Greener
Still dreaming of a paperless office? Here are 12 fantastic green printing tips to start doing today.
Selecting sustainable recycled paper
Amy French
7 min read

Should I Still Put My Bin Out for Collection When It Is Almost Empty?
It's an ongoing debate in our house as to if we should still put out an almost empty bin for weekly collection. I feel we should only put...
Amy French
3 min read

What You Can Do About China's Recycling Ban
With the current recycling crisis due to China's ban on recyclables, Australia is underprepared, but we can take action at an individual
Amy French
8 min read

6 Things That Can Make You Feel Like a Zero Waste Failure.....and why you shouldn't let it!
These 6 key things can make anyone feel like a zero waste failure. Going zero or low waste takes effort, and you don't need to let thes
Amy French
3 min read

10 Essential Bin Labels for Your Home Recycling, Composting and more
You can print out these free bin labels at home to make sorting and separating your rubbish so much easier (and reduce your landfill). These
Amy French
5 min read

How To Do A Waste Audit at Home
Doing a simple waste audit and tracking your weekly trash at home can help reduce your landfill and recycling.
Here's a simple templat
Amy French
5 min read
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