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The Good Life
with Amy French
Find simple and practical ways to reduce waste and live a more sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle.
Delve into topics like zero waste, green cleaning and DIY Beauty Products, check out some
Eco-friendly crafts and projects or browse the most recent posts below
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Amy French
2 min read
What to Look for in an Ecofriendly Product (and what to be wary of)
Hey there, fellow eco-warriors and conscious consumers! Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a greener and more sustainable...

Aida Rejzovic
6 min read
10 Simple Steps to Embrace a Sustainable Lifestyle and Reduce Waste
In a world that is increasingly focused on sustainability and reducing waste, it's important for each of us to do our part. Embracing a...

Amy French
10 min read
How to Host a Workshop on Plastic-Free or Zero Waste Living
Are you ready to take the plunge and host a plastic-free workshop? or perhaps do a presentation on zero waste and sustainable living. Get y

Amy French
6 min read
100 Mindful Ways to Reduce Waste as a Parent
Easy ways to go low waste with kids

Tina Martin
4 min read
What to Look for in an Eco-Friendly Rental Home
Renting CAN be Eco-Friendly. Choosing a greener design, a handy location, and energy-efficient features are just some of the simple hacks...

Amy French
10 min read
25 Zero Waste Swaps that WILL Save You Money
Going zero waste CAN save you money and here is list of budget friendly Zero Waste Swaps that are a cheaper option in the long and short ter

Amy French
5 min read
Eco-Friendly Alternatives To Balloons
Planning a party and wondering how to replace balloons with an eco-friendly option?
(and yes I'm including a brilliant zero waste alter

Felicity Frankish
3 min read
How To Plan a Plastic Free Picnic
The trouble with picnics is that they often come with a lot of pre-packaged food, or food you have prepared wrapped up in cling wrap, which

Amy French
3 min read
Tips for a Zero Waste Halloween That Anyone Can Do
Make your Halloween zero waste and eco-friendly this year with these great tips that anyone can do. From natural decorations, creative reuse

Sarah Appleford
4 min read
10 Tips To Go Zero Waste With Kids
Kids are notorious for waste, whether it’s a half-eaten apple or plastic toys that don’t last.
For a family, becoming zero waste can be cha

Amy French
5 min read
14 Alternatives to Single-Use Produce Bags (that are free and zero waste)
Single-use plastic produce bags are a great example of ridiculous and completely unnecessary plastic.
You can purchase reusable produce ba

Amy French
3 min read
Sustainable Living Workshops Around Adelaide (To Help You Go Zero Waste)
Adelaide has lots of fabulous places offering sustainable living workshops and classes on developing your skills to be more self-sufficient
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